Bella Terra Festival에서의 TH 커버밴드 공연에 관한 평

Start Making Sense. A Talking Heads tribute band and arguably one of the best tribute bands I’ve ever seen. The front man, wearing a suit with the same type of haircut as David Byrne, turned in a perfect performance and even had the tics and mannerisms down pat. Even their band name is derived from Talking Heads canon, based on their famous concert film and album.


Start Making Sense

residence: Bethlehem

members: Esme Montgomery (vocals), Jon Braun (vocals,
guitar), Jon Fadem (guitar), Steve Brunette (percussion, vocals), Jesse
Braun (drums), Bill Melcher (bass), Brad Murray (keyboard)

website: startmaking senseband

influences: “We always want to emphasize how grateful
we are to the Talking Heads, just how much we respect them and how
awesome they are,” Montgomery says. [전문보기]

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