gmtoday.com의 Jerry Harrison 기사

밀워키의 지역언론 웹사이트인 gmtoday.com에 Jerry Harrison에 관한 기사가 올라왔다. 그의 음악인생에 대한 짧은 회고 성격의 글.
사용자 삽입 이미지

When Talking Heads began working with famed record producer and musician Brian Eno, Harrison learned more about studio work. “We had gotten to a point where we were collaborating with Brian in ways where the lines between producer and the band were being blurred, partially because he was starting to get involved in the writing and sometimes performing,” Harrison says. “The roles started to get more vague, but they also gave me the confidence to say, “I can do this.”[전문보기]

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